"Willard Peak"

Sale Price:$25.00 Original Price:$31.25

17”x11” Full-Color Fine Art Edition Printed on White 80 Lb Paper Cover Stock

This is a reproduction of the original artwork Wm Conrad Bowen painted in a bound 5.25” x 3.5” Tumuarta Watercolor sketchpad he carries regularly in his cargo pants pocket so he can start painting anywhere on the spot.

Life’s cherished adventures. This past summer, Conrad & his nephew took a bumpy, dusty mountain ride in a 4-wheel drive up to Willard Peak one afternoon. To get there, they drove to Mantua, Utah & then headed south for a bit more than an hour up the twisting, rocky, sometimes steep, sometimes switchback road (if you can call it that!). The views on the way up & on top are breath-taking (like the road) & panoramic. On a clear day, you can see for ever — north, east, west or south! While parked on the highest ridge available, looking to the south east, Conrad painted this spectacular view while his nephew run down the steep hill, across a couple of ridges & up to the top of Willard Peak. On top he waved to me. He looked like a tiny ant on the rocky point!

To purchase a custom sized giclee print on 140 lb textured watercolor paper of Conrad’s watercolor painting "Willard Peak” please contact customerservice@1to1greetings.com and describe your request. Please include your name & contact information. Thank you!

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